Seeking Literary Representation: Compiling Your List of Agents to Query
Conventional wisdom and recent guidance in traditional publishing hold that, in the process of seeking representation for your work, you should expect to send at least one hundred query letters. But where in the world do you find one hundred agents to query?
Join writer and aspiring author Megan E. McDonald as she demystifies the process of compiling a comprehensive target list. First, she will describe and demonstrate the essential tools (Publishers Marketplace, QueryTracker, Manuscript Wish List, Amazon, and good ole Google) one can use to research agents looking for work similar to what you write. Second, she will run through how she does it based on her own writing style and current projects, then open the floor up to one or two attendees and help them start to compile lists live.
You will leave with a better understanding of how to frame your search for relevant agents.
Additional details on the California Writers Club SF Peninsula Branch Website.